With the closure of theaters in the Covid situation, most Indian films, including Malayalam, are being released on OTT platforms. Malayalam movies, which used to be successful in theatres of full audience, are getting ready to be released on big and small OTT (Over The Top) platforms. Various local and major language movies are now popular on major OTT platforms such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, Sunnext, Hotstar, C5 and Jio Cinema.Such OTT platforms are gaining audiences for short films, parallel films and films made under small banners. It goes without saying that the restrictions imposed by Covid paved the way for the launch of such OTT platforms. The popularity of these OTT platforms is increasing day by day. Also a lot of filmmakers and others came out in support and opposition to the OTT releases.We also saw Dhrishyam 2, Jai bhim and the Minnal Murali coming from south India and gaining pan indian reach just through OTT release.The best local movies will get Pan indian...