Upcoming tsunami

The new Covid-19 varient Omicron wave is getting powerful in India . increasing Omicron rates is an indication of the impending catastrophe in the health sector of the nation. Omicron is spreading very fast in Delhi and other states. It is also a matter of concern that 46% of those now confirmed by Covid cases are omicron patients. Of the 961 omicron Covid cases reported in the country yesterday, 263 were in Delhi, followed by Maharashtra (257), Gujarat (97), Rajasthan (69) and Kerala (65). Within 24 hours, there was a 23 percent increase in omicron cases.

Now head of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION Warns that the world will be hit by the Covid tsunami soon and many countries health sectors Is going to crash. The another fact that the death rate among those who have not yet been vaccinated will be higher is also important. Only by earlier precautions from both government and the public we can escape this upcoming tsunami. We should hope we can do it.
